There is a wealth of guidance documentation to help implement Plant Pass
Main scheme documents
Core standard and checklists
Core standard – Plant Pass certification criteria.
Hazard management checklists – the audit checklists. These provide prompts for identifying key issues.
Myrtle Rust Specific Module
Phytophthora Specific Module - generic Phytophthora risk management for all plant producers and across all plant and Phytophthora species.
Kauri Schedule - risk management specific to Phytophthora agathidicida (kauri-dieback) and those who grow kauri.
Guidance documents
Initial guidance
Getting started – where to start and how to make progress through to certification.
Nursery manual template – procedures and records manual.
Deep dive guidance
Once you’re underway with the Plant Pass scheme, these documents provide you with more detail on best practice and have additional templates and suggested processes.
Plant Pass guidance toolbox – a collation of best practice and guidance to help as you build your system.
Plant Pass support materials and forms – more information, forms and templates for procedures and processes common in nurseries.
Other resources
Information on Plant Pass and KPCS equivalence for nurseries growing kiwifruit, shelter trees for kiwifruit orchards, and other plant species.
MPI-approved laboratories for testing Kauri for Phytophthora agathidicida (PA)
Plant & Food Research
Attention: Ian Horner
Crosses Rd
Havelock North 4130
Email: ian.horner@plantandfood.co.nz, Phone 021 226 8170Scion Research
Attention: Kauri soils
Titokorangi Drive (Formerly Long Mile Road), Rotorua
Email: kaurisoils@scionresearch.com, Phone 07 343 5618