Plant Pass is a partnership between the horticulture industry and central government

Who is behind Plant Pass?

Plant Pass was established in September 2021 as an Operational Agreement (OA) under the Government Industry Agreement (GIA) for Biosecurity Readiness and Response framework.

The GIA is a partnership between primary industry and government to manage pests and diseases that could badly damage New Zealand's primary industries, economy, and environment.

The Plant Pass Operational Agreement has been agreed and signed by key stakeholder horticulture sector GIA partners.

Plant Pass Signatories

NZ Plant Producers Inc (NZPPI) is the scheme manager and delivers the scheme on behalf of GIA Operational Agreement partners.

Plant Pass Governance Group Members and GIA Operational Agreement signatories are:

  • Ministry for Primary Industries

  • New Zealand Plant Producers Inc.

  • New Zealand Avocado

  • Kiwifruit Vine Health

  • New Zealand Winegrowers

  • Forest Owners Association

  • Citrus New Zealand

  • Tomatoes New Zealand

  • Summerfruit NZ

  • New Zealand Apples and Pears

Plant Pass Partners

Alongside the GIA partners are the plant buyers and purchase influencers who become Plant Pass Partners.

Partners use their influence to encourage and support plant producers to register with the scheme. They include plant buyers, local and central government agencies, restoration groups, sector advocates, biosecurity experts and non-profit organisations.

Find out who they are and how they support Plant Pass on the Plant Pass Partner page.

Auckland Botanic Gardens